Evolution, behaviour and conservation: Homage to Professor Jordi Sabater Pi

The 8th Iberian Primatology Congress of the Spanish Primatological Association (APE) and the Portuguese Primatology Association (APP) was held in Barcelona from 5 to 8 October 2022, organized by the APE in collaboration with the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Barcelona.
In this edition, we pay tribute to Professor Jordi Sabater Pi, ethologist and nature enthusiast, born in Barcelona in 1922, who focused his studies on the social behavior of primates as well as, in many other disciplines such as zoography or ethnography. He is still a main reference for many primatologists in our country. Throughout the congress we intend to transmit the importance of his work.
In accordance with the multidisciplinary approach used by Professor Jordi Sabater Pi, the aim of the congress is to promote the exchange of experiences between the different branches of Primatology, to facilitate communication between participants and to serve as a forum for reflection on communication between all the disciplines of primatology. We encourage the participation of all those working in different areas of primatology including evolution, behavior and conservation, as well as modeling and analysis of social networks, primate archaeology or cognition and neuroscience, with primates both in captivity and in the wild.
One of the main motives of the conference was to open the forum to the largest number of papers, both from senior researchers and students or researchers in training, regardless of the topic or species of study. On behalf of both the Organizing Committee and the Spanish Primatological Association, we thank you for your participation and for presenting the latest results of your projects and research at this Congress.
Dra. Ruth Dolado
President of the Organising Committee
Our speakers
Montserrat Colell
Profesora titular de etología y primatología. Dept. Psicología Clínica y Psicobiología, Universidad de Barcelona
«Jordi Sabater Pi. Pasión por la vida, compromiso con la naturaleza»
Roundtable on Jordi Sabater Pi.
Speakers: Oriol Sabater, Montserrat Colell, Carles E. Riba, Margarida Genera
Phyllis Lee
Emeritus Professor, Stirling University, Scotland, UK
«Primate social evolution: individuals to groups to communities»
Susana Carvalho
Primate Models for Behavioural Evolution Lab, University of Oxford, UK
«From Primate Archaeology to Primate Cultural Heritage: dispatches from a field primatologist»
Stephen D. Nash
Adjunct Professor in the Departments of Anatomical Sciences and Art at Stony Brook University, on Long Island, New York, USA
«The Importance of Observational Drawing as a Research Tool: Jordi Sabater Pi and the Tradition of the Scientist-Illustrator»
Volker Sommer
Emeritus Professor, Department of Anthropology, University College London, UK
Matilda Brindle
Department of Anthropology, University College London, UK
«Spanking the monkey. Form and function of primate masturbation»
Iván Puga
Center for Modelling Social Systems (CMSS) at NORCE, Kristiansand, Norway
«Agent-based models of primate social behavior»
Toni Pou
Escritor científico, profesor de comunicación científica en la Universidad de Vic y autor de una biografía de Jordi Sabater Pi basada en las cartas que escribió desde Guinea.
«Cartas desde África: la pasión y el activismo científico de Jordi Sabater Pi»
Ruth Dolado – Universitat de Barcelona
Mercedes Mayo-Alesón – Universitat de Barcelona-Asociación Primatológica Española
- Víctor Beltrán Francés – Universidad Veracruzana – Asociación Primatológica Española
- Catarina Casanova – Universidade de Lisboa – Associação Portuguesa de Primatologia
- Sergio Díaz – – Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
- Gloria Fernández Lázaro – Universidad Autónoma de Madrid – Universidad Complutense de Madrid-Asociación Primatológica Española
- Ana Fidalgo – Universidad Autónoma de Madrid – Asociación Primatológica Española
- Jordi Galbany – Universitat de Barcelona – Asociación Primatológica Española
- Elisa Gregorio Hernández – AAP Primadomus – Asociación Primatológica Española
- Dietmar Crailsheim – Fundació MONA – Asociación Primatológica Española
- Miquel Llorente – Universitat de Girona – Asociación Primatológica Española
- Tânia Minhós – Universidade NOVA de Lisboa – Associação Portuguesa de Primatologia
- Maria Padrell – Universitat de Girona – Asociación Primatológica Española
- Vicenç Quera – Universitat de Barcelona
- David Riba – Universitat de Girona – Asociación Primatológica Española
- Francesc Salvador Beltrán – Universitat de Barcelona
- Lisieux Fuzessy – CREAF, Centre for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications
- Natàlia Sellés Guillaumes – Asociación Primatológica Española
Sara Álvarez-Solas – Universidad Regional Amazónica Ikiam-Asociación Primatológica Española
Catarina Casanova – Universidade de Lisboa – Associação Portuguesa de Primatologia
Montserrat Colell – Universitat de Barcelona
Susana Costa – Associação Portuguesa de Primatologia
Sergio Díaz – Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Gloria Fernández Lázaro – Universidad Autónoma de Madrid – Universidad Complutense de Madrid – Asociación Primatológica Española
Maria Ferreira da Silva – Associação Portuguesa de Primatologia
Ana Fidalgo – Universidad Autónoma de Madrid-Asociación Primatológica Española
Jordi Galbany – Universitat de Barcelona – Asociación Primatológica Española
Miquel Llorente – Universitat de Girona – Asociación Primatológica Española
Tânia Minhós – Universidade NOVA de Lisboa – Associação Portuguesa de Primatologia
Joana Roque de Pinho – Associação Portuguesa de Primatologia
Sònia Sánchez – Universidad Veracruzana – Asociación Primatológica Española
Cecilia Veracini – Associação Portuguesa de Primatologia
Barcelona, Spain
• Opening conference:
• Rest of the sessions:
October 5th –October 8th, 2022 (from Wednesday to Saturday Morning). This format will allow people to stay over in Barcelona or the surrounding area for weekend sight-seeing and social events.