You are cordially invited to attend the 5th Iberian Primatological Conference. This congress will be hosted by the Portuguese Primatological Association (APP), at Évora, from 17th – 20th November 2015. The proposed format will allow congress participants to stay over the weekend for sightseeing and social events.
This meeting gathers together the 6th Portuguese Primatological Conference and the 10th Spanish Primatological Cerence. Extinction is forever ! will be the main theme of the congress. By “Extinction is forever!” we mean there is still time (little time) to save our fellow non-human primates within their known diversity of today. We still have time to learn from them, to learn about
their behaviour, ecology, evolution, cognition and so on.
This conference aims to build strong scientific bridges between Portuguese and Spanish primatologists facilitating the establishment of network contacts and hopefully engaging Iberian scientists in co-operative research activities. Évora is the perfect place to work and to relax. Capital of Alentejo district, this old city is a world heritage site. We are looking forward to see you in Évora!
The conference will take place in the Palácio de D. Manuel, Évora, Portugal.
Situated in the heart of the Alentejo (1 hour away from Lisbon heading the south of the Tagus river), Évora’s old town is considered a UNESCO World Heritage Site and features various unique monuments from various historical periods. The Temple of Diana, the Sé Cathedral and the São Francisco Church with its fascinating Chapel of Bones are all “must see” monuments. For more specific information regarding the access to Évora and Évora surroundings please see http://www.cm-evora.pt/en
Submission: until 31st August 2015
Abstract’s acceptance communication by the Scientific Committee: until 11th September 2015
First registration period: 22nd June – 31st August 2015
Second registration period: 1st September – 30th September 2015
Third registration period: 1st October – 10th November 2015
On-Site registration: from 17th – 20th November 2015
If you need further information, please contact 5primateconferenceevora@gmail.com
We invite all congress participants to submit abstracts in any area of primatology. The Organizing Committee encourages all those intending to submit a presentation abstract to carefully read the contents of this page. Those wishing to submit their work (for both oral and poster presentation) must be fully registered to attend the congress (before abstract’s acceptance payment of congress fees is a mandatory).
Preparing & Submitting Abstracts
Abstract Preparation:
Please download the abstract template.
1st Line: Presentation title in capital letters (10PT BOLD ARIAL)
2nd Line: name of the authors (e.g. J Goodall, FBM de Waal) (10pt Arial, the presenter to be underlined)
3rd Line: author’s affiliations (Italic, 10pt Arial)
4th line: presenter’s email (Italic 10pt Arial)
5th line onwards: the main abstract body should have a maximum of 300 words, and be written as a single block paragraph in the appropriate space provided on the abstract template. The following items must be mentioned: goals, methods, results (explicit statements of outcomes relevant to your objectives) and conclusions. Abstracts stating “results will be discussed” will not be accepted.
Acknowledgement of funding sources may be included if space allows.
Please indicate 4 (four) keywords at the end separated by commas (,).
Provide the information required at the end of the template page.
Save your abstract (RTF format) with the following file name: AbstractEFP_YOURNAME
Example: AbstractEFP_GOODALL_J.rtf
Abstract Submission:
Abstracts must be submitted by email to the following address: 5primateconferenceevora@gmail.com
Please write on the e-mail subject “Abstract Submission”.
Oral Presentations
Oral presentations are limited to 20 minutes including discussion (15 minutes for presentation plus 5 minutes for discussion).
Poster Presentations
Poster should be up to A0 size, portrait (max: 1200mm high x 800 mm wide).
Student Competition:
Awards will be given to students, both for best poster and oral presentation. Please indicate if you intend to participate in the competition by indicating it on the abstract template.
Students are eligible for awards for best oral paper and poster paper presentations at the congress. Three prizes for first, second and third place will be awarded for each presentation type.
All students planning to attend the Congress are encouraged to participate and must indicate their desire to partake on the abstract form. The applicants will be evaluated based on their submitted abstract and presentation (either oral or poster) at the congress. Each paper/poster presentation will be judged with regard to the quality of the study being reported and the quality of the presentation. The following five attributes will be rated:
• Study design
• Originality and significance of the work to the field of primatology
• Organisation of the presentation
• Delivery and effective presentation style
• Visual aids
The organizing committee offers free registration for 10 students.
If there are more than 10 applicants, they will be selected according to whether they have a presentation, and/or scholarship grants.
Those not selected for financial support will have to pay normal student fees according to their date of registration.
Support for students must be requested via 5primateconferenceevora@gmail.com before 15th of September.
Welcome drinks
A welcome drink event will take place on the 16th of November, late in the afternoon (Tuesday). Congress materials may be collected since the 16th of November.
Congress dinner
The congress dinner will take place Thursday (19th November) at a local restaurant. Traditional Alentejo menus will be included along with a vegetarian option. More information on this around the second half of July.
Other social events
The Organizing Committee is scheduling a social programme for the 21st of November that will include a visit to the Chapel of Bones, to the megalithic complex of Almendres Cromlech and a
traditional wine, olives and cheese tasting event (organized by Turaventur: http://www.turaventur.com). Further information will be given by the second half of July.
Évora, 17-20 November 2015
Date: 17-20 November, 2015 Évora, Portugal
Venue: Évora, Palácio de D. Manuel
The congress will take place in Palácio de D. Manuel. The Royal Palace of Évora (Palácio de D. Manuel), also known as the Royal Palace of São Francisco and the Palace of King Manuel I, is a
former royal residence of the Kings of Portugal, in Évora, capital of the Alentejo.
The Organizing Committee of the Congress is working to find special rates for all those attending this event. We are also trying to get cheap accommodation for students in university residences (more information regarding university dorms will soon be provided).
Address: Rua 24 de Julho, 7000 Évora
GPS location
Latitude 38° 34′ 4″ N
Longitude: 7° 54′ 34″ W
How to get to the Congress/Évora
From the Lisbon- 135 Km
By car (1.15 h average trip)
According to its geographical position within the city of Lisbon, you can choose the 25th April Bridge (A2 highway) or Vasco da Gama Bridge (A12 highway). If you choose the latter, after about 40 km,change to the A2 highway (not continue to Setúbal). A little further away (20 km) you will leave the A2 and follow the A6 to Évora. After 59 km traveled on the A6, you must follow the signs to Évora and follow the national road (N114) for 12 km until you reach the city.
By bus (1.40 h average trip)
Bus travel is the recommended means of public transport between Lisbon and Évora, as it offers more daily departures than the train. The Lisbon to Évora bus service is part of the intercity express service operated by Rede Expressos (www.rede-expressos.pt). The journey takes approximately an hour 40 minutes, and a single ticket cost €12.50 (adult). Évora bus services departs from Lisbon (Sete Rios bus station), which is served by the Jardim Zoológico metro station on the blue metro line.
By Train (1. 50 h average trip)
The train to Évora departs from the Oriente train station in Lisbon and passes through the Sete Rios train station, which is close to the bus station where buses to Évora depart from. The train journey takes 1.5 hours and there are a total of 13 stops along the route, with Évora being the last station. There are four daily services in each direction (Monday-Friday) and three services at the weekend and on bank holidays. An adult single ticket costs €12.20/€22.00 (single/return).
From Spain (Badajoz) – 100 km
By car (1 hour average trip)
The route is very simple. Just follow the A6 highway for 83 km after the border. Then follow the signs to Évora for 10 km on the national road (N18) until you reach the city.
Registration fees (in €) for attending the conference
Until the 15th of August | € |
Students | 60 |
Students (APP and APE members) | 50 |
Non-Students, Professionals | 120 |
Non-Students, Professionals (APP and APE members) | 100 |
Until the 15th of September | |
Students | 80 |
Students (APP and APE members) | 70 |
Non-Students, Professionals | 170 |
Non-Students, Professionals (APP and APE members) | 150 |
Until the 15th of October | |
Students | 110 |
Students (APP and APE members) | 90 |
Non-Students, Professionals | 190 |
Non-Students, Professionals (APP and APE members) | 170 |
After 15th of October and on site | |
Students | 120 |
Students (APP and APE members) | 100 |
Non-Students, Professionals | 220 |
Non-Students, Professionals (APP and APE members) | 190 |
The registration fee includes congress materials, attendance at Welcome drinks, and refreshments during coffee breaks.
Cancelation refunds are not possible at any time.
If you need further information regarding registration, presentation or travel matters, please contact Conference Staff. E-mail: 5primateconferenceevora@gmail.com